Hey Smuggler,
Just thought we’d drop you a quick note to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!
Because the idea of celebrating an abundant harvest by sharing it with family, friends, and neighbors is one that appeals to us greatly…
That’s probably obvious.
We couldn’t devote ourselves to doing what we love to do if there weren’t plenty.
Plenty of winter wheat, rye, and corn…
Plenty of juniper berries…
Plenty of Vermont maple syrup and mountain spring water…
And more…
We’re grateful for all of it.
But, while the finest ingredients in abundance are important, essential, actually, to the creation of SND Spirits, they aren’t the most important…
The ‘most important’ title belongs to you, of course – our plentiful family, friends, and neighbors near and far with whom we raise a glass and make our toasts this Thanksgiving, regardless of which holiday table we happen to be sitting around.
Sure, there’s a good chance that we’d be making this stuff even if no one else was interested – both the process and the final product are incredibly satisfying.
But it’s in the sharing of it that it becomes an offering, an act of giving thanks.
We’re thankful that we get to share these offerings with you.
Who says less is more? Whoever it is, in this case they’re absolutely wrong…
More really is more!
May your Thanksgiving Day (and every day) be happy, healthy, and plentiful.
To your abundance!
Jeremy & Ron
P.S. Our next offering is all but ready to share, and, as always, we’re more than a little bit excited to tell you about it!
Keep on the lookout for our next newsletter – we’ll be getting into all the delicious details there…