Covid Policy

Covid Policy

Dear Smuggler,

Smugglers’ Notch Distillery continues to take COVID-19 seriously and is responding in kind with regular input and guidance from the CDC, FDA and the Vermont Department of Health and Welfare.

The health, safety, and commitment to our employees and customers remains our highest priority.

As such, we have reviewed and updated our business contingency plans and internal policies so that we can both prevent and/or react quickly and appropriately to minimize any adverse consequences as a result of COVID-19.

At this time, our production facility and our retail stores have not been affected.

However, out of an abundance of precaution, we are taking the following preventative measures:

  • Cancelled all travel plans outside of Vermont
  • All visitors, contractors and employees showing signs and symptoms of COVID-19 are being asked to stay away from the facility
  • We will NOT be offering tastings of spirits or maple syrup in our tasting rooms until further notice
  • Employee Standard Operating Procedures and Good Manufacturing Practices are being reinforced with additional emphasis placed on policies involving sanitation
  • Frequency of scheduled sanitation will be increased in all high-traffic areas

SND will continue to support our customers and employees; and we encourage additional questions and inquiries be directed towards our Safety First Team – Andrew, Ryan and Jeremy – who can be reached via

At this time, we do not foresee closing our tasting rooms, however we are in a very fluid state of revision and will inform all employees and customers if and when circumstances change.

Stay healthy, stay hopeful, and keep doing your best for each other.


Jeremy & Ron

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